Monday 16 July 2012

ReStory: In progress... (with Tentative title)

Title :

Start with a poster about a comic competition on his wall.
His research materials were in a mess together with his daily works.
Introduction of his cat:
Beside the leg of the character
He was stuck in drafting the comic, the deadline for this competition was getting nearer and he was not prepared.
(Zoom in to the calendar, shows the deadline. 
He picked up a bottle of XXX essence of chicken and ginseng
(While he was already in his seat.)
He drank it.
and continued his draft.
He stared back at his blank piece of comic paper for a while.
And drank another bottle of XXX essence of chicken and ginseng.
He was disturbed by the loud noises for the construction outside his window.
(He was still on his seat, looking at the window.)
He stood up and closed the window to reduce the noise.
(A shoulder shot from the cat)
He was back to his draft again.
he drank the XXX essence of chicken and ginseng. the room turned to be very hot.
He was perspiring.
(Zoom in to his face. Sweats come down for his forehead).
He got really hot and switched on the ceiling fan.
( same shot at the window closing, but no cat.)
His works flied.
He started picking up the paper.

He finished pick up and saw his cat on the table.
HE SAW HIS CAT walking around the table.
His cat's big butt knock down the ink bottle.
The ink dropped missing his work.( he sighed)
and the cat was walking around the works with ink prints.( he shocked, he dropped his work.)(Ink paws on the work.)
He was in anger, wanted to grab his cat.
His cat gave him a innocent look.
His face from an angry face turn back to normal but a bit sad.
Suddenly his stomach start to hurt
He went to the toilet and his brother was in the toilet.
He got desperate and began to run out of the house.
He ran down the stairs
He saw a coffeeshop at the other side of the road
He starts running towards (Jay walking) the coffeeshop.
He did notic the traffic.
a Ferrari was heading towards him
He stepped aside, missing the Ferrari
He breathed a sigh of relief
Then a scootor in high speed going toward his direction,
he try to miss it. 
But it was too late, he was hit by a Scootor
His leg's hurt, but he still need to go to the toilet.
So, he limped his way to the public toilet at the construction site.
He went into the public toilet,
while he was in the toilet,
Suddenly, the construction claw machine lifted the whole toilet up to dispose the toilet.
But the the claw acciddently let go, the toilet crush.

It was the submittion day,
Trevor went to the Art council,
he went to the counter to submit his work,

(At the counter.)

He pressed the bell for attention.
Rosy, the receptionist, look at Trevor
and look at his submittion title:"The Big Comic competition"
She then pointed to the clock above her and back to her work.
Trevor wondered what she meant.
He pressed the bell again... but Rosy did not respond.
Trevor keep trying to get her attention.
Rosy got annoyed at him, and pointed to the competition poster
which stated the timing for submittion with force.
and back to her work again...
He then understood why he was ignored.
He has no choice then wait for the time.
He waited.
When the clock strike at 9am,
he was estatic.
She then look up at the clock and double check with her watch.
The competition was finally open for submittion.
Trevor was happily submitting his work.

                 The End